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This month we talk to Mike Ellis, the Chief Sawdust Maker for the Wooden Chopping Board Company!

Tell us about your business?

Wooden Chopping Board Company | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Hi, my names Mike and I am the Chief Sawdust Maker. Here at WCBC we aim to make the best boards that we can from the most sustainable materials that we can.

We think that there is a place in the market for an independent chopping board maker with a real focus on quality and service. We are a small, but growing, online company who believe that a good board should last a life time. We have some great designs and we love experimenting.


natural wooden chopping board


A decent proportion of our business comes in the form of bespoke orders in wonderful shapes and sizes to suit a customers specific requirements. Some of our bigger custom boards can weigh as much as 30kg-40kg, and they really take some effort to move around the workshop.

We also plant a tree for every board that we sell, and make regular donations to environmental charities.

What drove you to start the business?

That’s a question that I have thought about a lot, and even now the answer isn’t particularly clear to me! There was certainly no grand plan, especially at the beginning.

First there was one board, then another, and before I knew it there were lots.


engraved chopping board

We started out attending craft fairs and retail fairs but these days we are 99% online. Having the website up and running is what has given us growth.

In hindsight, it was probably a combination of a mid-life crisis and being bored of the 9-5. Being your own boss is great, but it stops being glamorous when you are still packing boxes at 2am.

What particular challenges did you have to overcome when starting up your business?

All the normal stuff. Being the book keeper, maker, director, product photographer, web designer and tea boy all at the same time.

This was also while keeping another full time job going to keep the household income coming in.

I started the business with a bit of pocket money and worked in the garden shed, and I am proud of the fact that we have reached a reasonable size (at least in my mind) without having borrowed a penny.


patterned chopping board

I realise this sounds old fashioned compared to modern financing models, but sound financial planning has a place in every business.

I expect that this will need to change as we grow though. We’ll need funding for bigger equipment and a larger premises.

Why did you choose The Accountancy Partnership?

Transparent pricing and good day to day support. I expect to have many accounting and financial challenges as the business grows, particularly in funding that growth.

Each month since lockdown has been busier than last Christmas, which is usually our busiest period. It has been useful to have you guys at the end of a phone when I need some accounting support.

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What do you have planned for your business in the future?

Expanding the product range, expanding the workshop, expanding the team. Expanding everything!

At some point I’ll find the time to do some strategy too.

Visit the Wooden Chopping Board Company website for more information or to place an order!

Talk to one of the team to learn more about how our accounting services help businesses like Mike’s. Call 020 3355 4047, or use the live chat button on screen.

About The Author

Elizabeth Hughes

A content writer specialising in business, finance, software, and beyond. I'm a wordsmith with a penchant for puns and making complex subjects accessible.

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