Starting a new business? Get 40% off our accountancy services for 3 months! 😎


The creative arts industry is amongst those struggling as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. We spoke to our client, Nadja von Massow, to learn how her role as Executive Director of nadworks supports musicians.

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What drove you to start your business?

As a small digital creative agency, we believe that marketing musicians needs as much care and expertise as the music they create. We’re passionate experts, just like the musicians themselves, and we help artists focus on their music.

Nadja von Massow

With our background in digital development, design and CRM, plus vast experience in the music industry, we spotted a skills gap. We found that our knowledge and experience is the perfect fit for supporting artists, orchestras, record labels and music organisations.

What particular challenges did you have to overcome in setting up your business, and since then?

One of our first challenges was creating a suite of products that are scalable, and yet allow maximum individualisation and creative expression in a way which is financially feasible for musicians.

This is particularly important right now, as the arts sector is one of the most affected by the pandemic.

Nadja von Massow

How does The Accountancy Partnership fit into your business?

We like to be flexible and only buy what we need. TAP seemed perfect since we are getting a scalable service and only pay for the accounting we need. Our company requirements are relatively straight forward and TAP provides us with the right amount of help at a very fair price.

You help us save time, give us peace of mind, and the reassurance that we have access to an expert when we need it.

Startup accountancy services

From only £44.50 £26.70 per month

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That’s great! What do you have planned for your business in the future?

We’re on a great path and have been able to support a growing number of clients. Once we’re “back on stage” and working with live music again, we’re planning to expand our offering and service portfolio, including hiring staff.

About The Author

Beth Woolley

I'm a versatile marketing professional with experience across a variety of disciplines, from creating, filming, and editing content, to negotiating with shy accountants to be in it!

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Cassius Krendler
Cassius Krendler
29th April 2021 6:07 pm

Many thanks for this feature. We’re proud to be working with you!

Elizabeth Hughes
Elizabeth Hughes
30th April 2021 11:01 am

Thank you so much, we’re delighted to work with you too! Have a lovely weekend 🙂

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