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This month we spoke to Kevin Markham, Accounts Semi Senior at The Accountancy Partnership!

Give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job.

I have amassed a fairly large client base with a multitude of professions and diverse accountancy issues.

What is a typical working day like for you?

Daily tasks are checking the emails that have been received the night before, prepping for calls that day and checking my list of accounts work that need completing by priority.

What are some of the biggest challenges faced by your clients?

Some clients are new to being sole traders and have little to no experience of looking after their bookkeeping.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for them?

From the skills I have honed over the years, I am able to chat comfortably on the phone to clients and to use my training and experience to answer their questions clearly.

What is your favourite part of the job?

5pm home time – can I say that!! Ha. Completing a body of work to the satisfaction of my mentor.

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

It is a work hard/play hard mentality in the office but vastly different from my military background so a lot more chilled in clothing, free brews/food and paid for nights out and then being able to switch off at the end of the day.

What skills do you find most useful to do your job?

Good communication saves a lot of frustration – a quick phone call or clear email can go a long way.

Where’s your favourite place to visit on days off?

With an energetic dog Wilf, we love to go the beaches on the Wirral and the country parks.

Tell us your proudest achievement?

My proudest day other than being a father, would be when I graduated with my Degree from Lincoln University. Having my immediate family there whilst not only in my military parade uniform but the cap and gown as well in a location such as Lincoln Cathedral was amazing.

How would your colleagues describe you?

Fairly quiet till you get to know me and then the bad Dad jokes start.

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

Having just finished Mr Bates vs the Post Office, I am also watching True Detective Season 4 and Criminal Record.

Who do you admire and why?

There are a few people from the RAF who I always looked up to in admiration but more famously, Nelson Mandela or Stephen Hawking for fighting through their struggles and being the inspirations to me that they are to humanity.

What question would you really like to answer, and what’s the answer?!

What came first: the chicken, or the egg? To answer, it’s unequivocally the egg as birds came from dinosaurs.

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About The Author

Beth Woolley

I'm a versatile marketing professional with experience across a variety of disciplines, from creating, filming, and editing content, to negotiating with shy accountants to be in it!

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