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We talk to Ben Grimwood about his role as an Accounts Senior here at The Accountancy Partnership.

Give an overview of the duties, functions, and responsibilities of your job.

My role includes preparing accounts, completing tax returns, and assisting clients with their queries.

What is a typical working day like for you?

Usually, I start the day off by completing a set of accounts. This allows me to get going with the day, before cracking on with emails and taking client phone calls. In addition to this, I look to process any VAT, Corporation or Self-Assessment Tax Returns throughout the day.

What particular challenges do you regularly encounter?

There are many different deadlines to work towards, including accounts, VAT returns, personal tax return deadlines. Juggling different jobs can be difficult but I believe having a routine set out helps keep everything under control.

What are some of the biggest challenges faced by your clients?

Deadlines can be daunting and managing them can seem stressful for some clients. We help with this by keeping our clients up to date with anything that is outstanding, with regular reminders to give them plenty of time to send in their records.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for them?

Working in accounts for 7 years has given me a lot of experience, so I can assist clients with the queries they have about running their company.

What is your favourite part of the job?

Job satisfaction is a key part in any role, and I feel that helping clients with queries and completing accounts helps motivate productivity throughout my day.

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

The atmosphere in the office is great. It is easy to get along with everyone working here at TAP.

What skills do you find most useful to do your job?

100% it’s routine management. Organising your day helps keep you on top of everything and reduces any unnecessary stress!

Where’s your favourite place to visit on days off?

Dropping in to see my Grandad when I have time off is one of my favourite places visit. It is always nice to catch up or watch the football with him.

Tell us about your proudest achievement.

Buying my first property and moving up North from Essex to the Wirral whilst working through the peak of the Pandemic. It was a stressful time, but it was definitely the right decision!

How would your colleagues describe you?

Friendly, easy going and hard-working – Mike G

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

Recently just finished watching the Book of Boba Fett.

Who do you admire, and why?

My Dad. He has always been there for me when I have needed him. Also, I really admire his work ethic; he has always pushed himself which motivates me to do better in my everyday life.

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About The Author

Elizabeth Hughes

A content writer specialising in business, finance, software, and beyond. I'm a wordsmith with a penchant for puns and making complex subjects accessible.

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