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Paying into a Pension as a Company Director

There are many benefits to being a director of your own limited company. One being you can pay more into your pension…

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The Self-Employed Guide to Retirement Planning

Pension planning is often something we forget about until later in life, but the earlier you think about it, the better. Everyone…

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Pensions and Auto Enrolment for Employers

Employers weren’t always required to offer a workplace pension to their employees if they didn’t want to but, concerned that not enough…

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Do I Need to Declare Payments into A Private Pension on my Tax Return?

Putting money aside into a pension pot (or multiple pension pots) is a great way to plan and save for the future….

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Do You Pay National Insurance on Pension Income?

You’ll stop making National Insurance Contributions when you reach state pension age, so you won’t normally need to pay NI on any…

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Getting Started with Pensions for the Self-Employed

Paying into a pension can be a useful way to save for the future, but if you’re a self-employed person without an…

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