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This month we spoke to Emma Warburton, Admin Assistant at The Accountancy Partnership!

Give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job.

In the ongoing battle that Clients have with the enemy that is Taxes, I do my duty as an Email Warrior and Information Provider for my Generals known as The Accountants. We prowl the battlefields, looking for the Clients who need bringing back to camp to be assisted in any way, and send them on their way with the Weapons of Information to protect them while they win over Clients of their own to their cause.

We respond to the cries of the Clients when they are need of our Generals and show them the way forward. Daily, we have Clients wander in from another battlefield, who we allow to rest at Camp while we take their information, then prepare them for the next battlefield.

All that, to say I reply to a lot of emails. A LOT, answer the phones, onboard new clients and help the clients where I can.

What is a typical working day like for you?

It starts with a mental stretch, ready to reach into the depths of my brain for the answers the clients seek. Then coffee. I proceed to give the found answers to the clients by way of email. Then coffee. After that, I then do the New Client Dance AKA, onboard the clients to our system. Then biscuit with coffee.

Depending on my checks for the week, I then do the Task Shuffle to break down said checks. Then lunch and coffee. Once I recover from the fact I can’t allow my old brain a post-lunch nap, I continue the Task Shuffle. Then coffee and some water. To end my day, I do the answering of emails with the answers that I’ve found again. Then home for more coffee.

What are some of the biggest challenges faced by your clients?

The Tax People. They are such a killjoy. As well as the overwhelming amount of information that is required to be kept up to date for their company. It’s a lot. A lot, a lot.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for them?

It’s all in the detail. You want me to spot something out of place, I’m your person. If I feel a client may not have realised something, I’ll be sure to keep them in the loop, such as an errant deadline that has tried to avoid notice.

I blame the Tax People. Not on my watch. I won’t allow it; I will try to keep them within their deadlines where I can and haul in the relevant information I need from them to get things completed.

What is your favourite part of the job?

My admin people. They are my people and we sing a great song together. It might not be in tune, but it’s great.

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

Still the people. Now when you put my people with the other department’s people, we make a great choir!

What skills do you find most useful to do your job?

Juggling. Physically… mentally… it all helps when you’re passing on 13 messages at the same time, while replying to 34 emails, and answering the phone.

Where’s your favourite place to visit on days off?

Narnia, but it’s been closed off to me for a while. Anyone remember where the entrance is? I suppose a good walk around a park is the same thing, right?

Tell us your proudest achievement

Well, there was this morning when I didn’t have that KitKat to go with my morning coffee. No? I also didn’t have a fast-food meal after my training session last night with Ralf… no? Still not it?

I suppose there was that one time Curtis Brown deemed me worthy enough to be mentored for 12 weeks to whip my young adult novel into shape. They even get to be the first agent to say no to the finished product. All I have to do is finish it. Anyone know where my words went?

But personally, I still think saying no to the chocolate snack is fairly impressive!

How would your colleagues describe you?

Invisible. I asked the question with 5 people sat around me and not one person answered. C’est la vie. May need to rethink that ‘my people’ comment I mentioned earlier.

Hang on, I’ll try this again, as I’m definitely a Needy Nelly…

I’m a dictionary and full of a useless information (aka full of cool facts – thanks, Fallon). You just never know when it might help someone!

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

Just finished Criminal Minds. All 17 seasons in 6 weeks. Maybe I should put that as my proudest achievement! So, if you ever need some questionable things burying, I’m more than capable now.

I’m also catching up on Four in a Bed, because I definitely know how to run a B&B and my judging skills are amazing!

As for the reading, bit more murder in the form of Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club series. I swear I’m usually a romcom type of person…

Who do you admire, and why?

Serious time… anyone getting through their days while fighting mental health issues. It’s tough and draining and they should be proud of themselves for putting one foot in front of the other.
And Judi Dench. If you don’t admire the Great Dame, you’re wrong!

What question would you really like to answer, and what’s the answer?!

Q: Do I need to start that brand new hobby while I’m still learning 29 other things?
A: Yes. Yes, I do.

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