Workplace pensions and Auto Enrolment explained for employers
As an employer (or if you’re about to take on staff for the first time) then it’s important that you understand your responsibilities towards workplace pensions and auto enrolment.
What does automatic enrolment mean?
Auto enrolment rules mean UK employers must automatically enrol eligible employees into a workplace pension. Rather than opting in to a pension scheme, workers are added to it and then have the option of leaving it. The intention is that this will encourage more employees to save for their retirement.
What is a workplace pension scheme?
Workplace pensions are pension schemes put in place by employers for their staff. Eligible employees are automatically enrolled into the scheme (but can choose to opt out). Employers must make pension contributions as a percentage of the employee’s pay, as well as deducting the employee’s own contributions from their wages every time their paid.
Download our guide to Auto Enrolment to understand your responsibilities as an employer.