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This month we spoke to Isabella, about her role as Admin Junior at The Accountancy Partnership!

Hey Isabella, what is your job title?

Hi, I’m an Admin Junior!

Give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job.

We have a range of different tasks day to day, which varies from dealing with phone calls and emails from clients, to doing the weekly ASDA order or ordering other things for around the office. Another big job that we have as juniors is dealing with the post, opening it all and sending it over to the clients, both as scans and physical copies when requested.

What is a typical working day like for you?

A typical working day normally starts with my emails, then depending what time I am on the phones, I will do my onboarding calls for new clients. We also get the post in the late morning, so my afternoon usually consists of opening and sending all the post, as well as doing the HMRC/Companies House codes from clients who use our registered office address service.

What particular challenges do you regularly encounter?

The long wait time on the phone to speak to HMRC!

What are some of the biggest challenges faced by your clients?

Trying to understand all of the information they need to provide (and that they receive from Companies House or HMRC) can sometimes cause people to panic.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for them?

I believe I am a patient person; this is a good skill to have when clients are stressed about the information they need to provide or deadlines. I also am an organised person, which is questionable if you look at my desk, but it is organised chaos – I know where everything is!

What is your favourite part of the job?

I love our Admin team, we all work well together, and you can go to anyone for help, as well as having a laugh with everyone.

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

Everyone is really friendly! There is also lots of perks like smoothie days and getting your lunch, it’s also a nice working environment (especially when people bring in their dogs!)

What skills do you find most useful to do your job?

I believe I am a people person, so this helps when dealing with clients. I go out of my way to help people. I also have previous experience working in a call centre, so am confident dealing with clients on the phone.

Where’s your favourite place to visit on days off?

I love going out with my friends on the weekends and seeing my family. I also love doing random things like going to art galleries and on walks with my mum and playing the drums.

Tell us about your proudest achievement.

I don’t really have a particular achievement as such, I like to draw in my spare time so maybe producing portraits for people?! It’s really satisfying seeing the drawing start to look like what it is meant to look like!

How would your colleagues describe you?

Annoying but funny! I unintentionally distract everyone. I have also been told that I make a good brew which is a top tier compliment.

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

I have been re-watching Killing Eve, I love it!

Who do you admire, and why?

I admire my mum; she would do anything for anyone and is such a strong person. She is always there for me no matter how much I annoy her. I also admire my nan, even if she does call me all my cousins names before my own name.

What question would you really like to answer, and what’s the answer?!

Do alients actually exist? I hope they do!


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About The Author

Rachael Anderson

A creative content writer specialising across business, finance and software topics. I have a love for all things writing, and creating engaging, easy to understand content that helps everyday people! Learn more about Rachael.

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