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This month we spoke to Megan Sprakes, Admin Junior at The Accountancy Partnership!

Give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job.

My job role as an Admin Junior consists of answering emails and phones, requesting agent authorisation, processing all codes, calling clients to help them with the onboarding process and requesting professional clearance.

What is a typical working day like for you?

Every day is different at TAP, however I always start my morning by answering client emails and completing any checks I have to do. I will then answer the phone and scan and send any post we receive for our clients. In the afternoon I will call clients and finish my emails.

What particular challenges do you regularly encounter?

The long waiting time on the phone to speak to HMRC.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for clients?

Being very organised, having good time management, and making a to-do list.

What is your favourite part of the job?

The fact that every day is different, and the people!

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

Everyone is very friendly. There are also lots of perks like staff nights out and often getting surprises such as pancakes and doughnuts.

What skills do you find most useful to do your job?

I think being organised and having good time management skills.

Where’s your favourite place to visit on days off?

My bed 100% 🤣

Tell us about your proudest achievement.

My proudest achievement would have to be becoming Senior Women British Double Mini Champion in 2023. I gained this title at the age of 17, competing against people a lot older than me and a lot more experienced from all over Britain. And also competing for Team Great Britain in the Double Mini World Championships.

How would you colleagues describe you?

I asked my colleagues and they said I am The Baby, very funny, and a good night out.

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

I am currently watching Happy Valley, a police drama. I love shows about the police.

Who do you admire, and why?

I admire my mum, as she is a great example that being hard working will get you where you want to be. She is also just like another best friend in my life.

What question would you really like to answer, and what’s the answer?!

Should the Double Mini Trampoline be in the Olympics? YES!

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About The Author

Beth Woolley

I'm a versatile marketing professional with experience across a variety of disciplines, from creating, filming, and editing content, to negotiating with shy accountants to be in it!

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