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This month we spoke to Ben Salisbury, Accounts Junior at The Accountancy Partnership!

Give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job.

I complete Annual Accounts, tax returns and VAT returns. On top of this I am in constant communication with different clients answering any questions or queries they may have.

What is a typical working day like for you?

I usually begin by answering any emails from the night before and ensure I get back to clients as quickly as possible. After this is complete, I work my way through accounts, tax returns and VAT returns. From time to time I will also help out on Pandle Support, answering live chats and calls that come through.

What particular challenges do you regularly encounter?

Answering questions about niche situations you have never encountered before. Thankfully we have a large, knowledgeable team who are always on standby to help.

What are some of the biggest challenges faced by your clients?

Some clients are often new to running a business, so sometimes have not yet learned how to do everything such as how to do their own bookkeeping. Thankfully we are always here to guide clients through issues and make them feel confident on what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.

How are you able to use your skills to solve problems for them?

Particularly as an online business, the key is communication. Whether this is via emails or over the phone, the priority is always to find solutions for clients experiencing issues and to ensure you build a good rapport.

What is your favourite part of the job?

Definitely the people. It is a very sociable office where everyone is approachable and friendly.

What do you like most about working for The Accountancy Partnership?

You are treated very well here, and you feel rewarded for the hard work you put in.

Tell us about your proudest achievement.

My greatest achievement is my 1st class degree in Accounting and Finance, as it took years of dedication to achieve.

How would you colleagues describe you?

Rob described me as witty; Kieran described me as outgoing and friendly.

What are you reading/binge watching at the moment?

Peaky Blinders (for the second time).

Who do you admire, and why?

My grandad. He’s a top bloke.

Find out more about the services we offer by hitting the live chat button, or get an instant quote online. Interested in joining the team? Check out our recruitment page!

About The Author

Kristy Ashton

As a marketing executive, I bring a varied skill set. You can often find me optimising our email journeys, and designing graphics for our next social media campaign!

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VAT Returns

It is unlikely you will need this service, unless you are voluntarily registered for VAT.

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Call us on 020 3355 4047 if you’re not sure.


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Call us on 020 3355 4047 if you’re not sure.