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Our first Client of the Month for 2020 is Converso, a service which connects businesses to their customers.

What’s your name and your role in the company?

Chris Barley, and I’m the founder & CEO of Converso.

Tell us about your business

We help businesses get paid faster by their customers. We do this by making it easy for customers to pay via messaging channels and, because text, Facebook Messenger etc. have very high read rates, invoices are paid quicker.

Not just that, our solution has a number of other benefits. It’s more secure than traditional online card payments, it costs less, and it helps the business create a messaging conversation with their customers which is especially useful for marketing and support activities.

What drove you to start the business?

In my previous company we came across a lot of customers who struggled with taking payments over the phone, as this requires expensive compliance with PCI DSS standards. When I started Converso we offered a multichannel comms service, and I became aware that messaging could be a great channel to enable payments to be made in a more secure, cost effective way, with a much improved customer experience.

As open banking, bots, business messaging services and 5G are introduced this trend will continue, helping not just telephone sales desks but almost all business that collect payments from remote customers.

Why did you choose The Accountancy Partnership?

They offer a competitive price as well as having a good reputation in the market, and also came across professional in their communications and website. I was also impressed that they had committed to develop their own accounting software.

Would you recommend The Accountancy Partnership?

Yes certainly.

What do you have planned for your business in the future?

Our plans include increasing our customer base, introducing an app so small, mobile merchants can accept card payments with a card machine, and integrating with open banking to reduce direct debit charges and make it easier for businesses to set up.

Learn more about Converso>

About The Author

Elizabeth Hughes

A content writer specialising in business, finance, software, and beyond. I'm a wordsmith with a penchant for puns and making complex subjects accessible.

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